Marine systems simulation
Environment query
+ Collaboration diagram for Environment query:

The environmental query SimObject is used to obtain information about the sea environment at a specific 3d position in space. The objects takes the position in 3d space as input, and outputs the results of a query on the sea environment containing

The features of the sea environment model

Additionally the following properties are also queried from the 2d North-East position of the input position

Input ports

Name Width Description
PositionNED 3

VelocityNED 3

Output ports

Name Width Description
FluidVelocityNED 3

The velocity of the fluid defined as the sum of the current velocity and the wave particle velocity

FluidAccelerationNED 3

The acceleration of the fluid defined as the sum of the wave particle acceleration

FluidDepthNED 1

The distance between the still water surface and the bottom

WaveHeightNED 1

The displacement of the fluid surface from the still water surface

TotalPressureNED 1

The pressure in the fluid defined as the hydrostatic pressure and the dynamic pressure contribution from the waves

DynamicPressureNED 1

The dynamic pressure contribution from the waves

Configuration parameters

Name Width Description
UseVelocity 1